A 20-year-old man hailing from Karnataka’s Hospet district has been apprehended for allegedly posting a WhatsApp status that expressed support for Palestine with what authorities deemed as “provocative” slogans. The incident unfolded on Thursday night, October 12, leading to the arrest of the individual identified as Alam Basha, a resident of the Hospet district.
The arrest was carried out by the Vijayanagar Police, who acted in response to the alleged provocative messages promoting Palestine amidst the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. This conflict was triggered by an attack by the militant organization Hamas on Israel and its civilians on October 7, sparking a deadly war.
Local news media outlets reported that the photograph of Alam Basha, who was taken into custody for posting the contentious slogans, has been circulating on social media platforms. Users with knowledge of the case have been sharing these images, further amplifying the incident’s visibility.
As of now, Alam Basha remains in custody, and it is anticipated that he will be presented before the magistrate on Friday, October 13, 2023. Local news reports indicate that a case has been registered against him under sections 108 and 151 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC).