A wedding procession of a Dalit constable was violently disrupted by a group of upper-caste men in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh. The incident occurred in...
A 35-year-old law student and labourer, Somnath Veyankat Suryawanshi, died in Maharashtra’s Parbhani district jail just hours after being placed in judicial custody on...
A Dalit youth, Shashikant Mallikarjun Natikar (25), was reportedly tortured and killed by the owner of a private blood bank in Kalaburagi, Karnataka, after...
In Chaurai village under the Jabalpur Naka Police Outpost in Damoh district, a Dalit groom’s wedding celebration turned violent on Tuesday night. The groom,...
A Dalit professor at Sri Venkateswara University in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, was allegedly beaten up by members of a right-wing group on Wednesday. Dr....
A special court in Uttar Pradesh’s Kaushambi sentenced Awadhesh Shukla to 10 years in prison for raping a Dalit woman, concluding a 27-year-old case....