On Wednesday, Hindu seers gathered in Ahmedabad to condemn the recent violence against religious minorities in Bangladesh and to call on the Indian government to relax immigration norms for persecuted Hindus. The Sant Sammelan, organized by the Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha, Akhil Bharatiya Sant Samiti, and Sanatan Dharma Sanrakshan Samiti, addressed the attacks following the ouster of former Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
A resolution passed at the event urged the Indian government to pressure the interim Bangladeshi administration to halt the violence against Hindus. Sharda Peeth Shankaracharya Swami Sadanand Saraswati, who led the gathering, emphasized the need for Hindu unity in response to the attacks.
“Unity among Hindus is crucial in the face of such threats. We must learn from the situation in Bangladesh, as it demonstrates what could happen if we lose our majority in India,” said Swami Sadanand Saraswati.
Bharat Sadhu Samaj president Muktanand Swami appealed directly to the Central government, urging it to simplify visa and immigration processes for persecuted Hindus from Bangladesh. “This gathering aims to raise awareness about the atrocities against Hindus in Bangladesh. We request the Indian government to facilitate their entry and provide refuge in our ashrams and mutts,” he said.
Muktanand Swami also called on international organizations and powerful nations to pressure the Bangladeshi government to end the attacks. He warned that ongoing violence could inspire similar incidents in other countries.
Swami Parmatmanand Saraswati, convener of the Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha, called for United Nations intervention, criticizing the lack of response from international bodies. “The selective targeting of Hindus in Bangladesh is deeply distressing. Why are the UN and other human rights organizations silent? This situation is nothing short of a genocide,” he stated.
The resolution passed by the Sant Sabha demands that the Indian government increase pressure on Bangladesh to stop the attacks and ensure the safety of minorities. It also expressed frustration with the international community’s silence on the issue, calling for stronger action to address the violence against Hindus in Bangladesh.