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‘PM insulted Muslims, EC must act’: Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan on Modi’s ‘anti-national’ speech

Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent remarks about Muslims as “anti-national” and demanded that the Election Commission take action against Modi.

Speaking at an election rally, Vijayan said, “The prime minister had insulted the Muslim community by specifically naming them.” He accused Modi of carrying out a “communal campaign” to create “anti-Muslim hatred” with “imaginary stories.”

“Modi’s speech was totally anti-national that humiliate a section of people in the country,” Vijayan stated. He said Modi had described the Muslim community as “infiltrators” and questioned, “How could he call the people of the country like that?”

Vijayan urged, “Action should be taken against the prime minister. The Election Commission should be ready to take action against him.”

The chief minister added, “The prime minister is a person who is responsible for leading the people of the country together.”

Modi had alleged at a rally in Rajasthan that if the Congress party comes to power, it would “redistribute people’s wealth to Muslims” and give citizens’ “hard-earned money and valuables to infiltrators and those who have more children.”

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