A stampede occurred at the Sangam Ghat during the Mauni Amavasya bath at the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj late Tuesday night. Around 1:30 AM, the barricades broke due to the overwhelming crowd, leading to chaos. As a result, 30 devotees lost their lives, and 60 others were injured. Currently, 36 of the injured are receiving treatment at SRN Hospital, while the others were discharged after receiving medical care. Among the deceased, 25 have been identified, while efforts are ongoing to identify the remaining five. Victims included people from various states, including Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Bihar, Assam, Jharkhand, and Kolkata.
According to witnesses, many devotees were heading toward the Sangam Ghat for the Mauni Amavasya bath when a large crowd suddenly surged from behind. Some people lost their balance and fell, and others were trampled as the crowd pushed forward. “It was a wave of people, and we couldn’t even move. We tried to save our loved ones, but we couldn’t do anything,” said one witness. Emergency services arrived promptly, and 90 people were rushed to hospitals, but 30 were declared dead on arrival.
DIG Mela, Vaibhav Krishna, explained that the stampede occurred when the crowd, under heavy pressure, caused the barricades on the Akhada route to collapse. “The crowd surged forward and trampled those who were already sitting, waiting for their turn at the Ghat,” he said.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his condolences and spoke to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath multiple times, directing relief efforts. “The loss is deeply saddening. My heartfelt sympathies to those who have lost loved ones, and I wish a speedy recovery to the injured. The local administration is doing everything possible to help,” Modi said in a statement.
Following the incident, the Akhadas decided to delay the Amrit Snan (holy bath) to manage the crowd and ensure the safety of devotees. “We’ve postponed the timing for the Amrit Snan to avoid further chaos,” said the Akhada Parishad President.
The local administration also set up a helpline number (1920) for those seeking information about missing persons.