A first-of-its-kind fashion show at a college in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, titled ‘Fashion Splash 2023,’ sparked controversy after a group of female Muslim students...
In line with the Uttar Pradesh Government’s decision, several Hindu organizations in South Goa are demanding a ban on the sale of Halal-certified products,...
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) have been using new laws and regulations to pressure foreign tech companies to censor material that challenges their Hindu-first ideology.
Months after a previous bout of unrest following the Purola incident, Uttarakhand, a mountainous state in northern India is witnessing a systematic campaign, which...
On Saturday, self-styled God man Dhirendra Krishna Shastri, aka Bageshwar-Dham-Sarkar, a Hindu religious establishment, grabbed the headlines once again for his ‘Darbar’ in Uttarakhand....