A Muslim youth named Mohammad Ashfaq Khan allegedly lost his life while in police custody at the Barhi police station in Hazaribagh, Jharkhand. According...
After a crucial meeting held in Bengaluru, the opposition parties concluded their discussions with a unanimous decision to collectively challenge the BJP-led National Democratic...
Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, one of the largest Muslim organizations in the country, has expressed its strong opposition to the implementation of a ‘Uniform Civil Code’...
In a pursuit spanning five months, law enforcement agencies, including the Special Task Force (STF), have been unable to apprehend Shaista Parveen, wife of...
In a recent discussion on the NCERT’s curriculum revisions, noted academics expressed concerns over selective and seemingly politically motivated deletions from the school syllabi....
In Maharashtra’s Erandol town, a mosque from the 16th century has been temporarily sealed by the district administration following claims by a Hindutva group...