A recent video posted by social media influencer Akash Sagar has sparked outrage after he was seen chanting “Jai Shree Ram” inside the Epiphany Church in Mawlynnong, Meghalaya. The video, which has garnered over 939,000 views, has been condemned for disrespecting Christian sentiments and provoking communal tension.
In response to the incident, social activist Angela Rangad from Shillong filed an FIR against Sagar, accusing him of deliberately attempting to create communal disharmony. “This act was deliberately done to create communal disharmony, insulting the minority culture, and to establish a majoritarian culture of hate in violation of all constitutional rights of religious freedom,” Rangad stated in her complaint, which was filed at the Laitumkhrah Police Station.
Christian groups and concerned citizens in Meghalaya have voiced their concerns and called for immediate action to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.
The BJP Meghalaya unit also condemned the act, emphasizing the importance of maintaining religious harmony in the state. Mariahom Kharkrang, Chief Spokesperson of BJP Meghalaya Pradesh, called the video a “cheap publicity stunt” and warned that such acts could provoke inter-religious friction. “Such cheap publicity stunts, aimed at furthering one’s personal agendas, hurt the sensitivities of every right-thinking citizen across faiths and can act as a catalyst for inter-religious friction. This must be avoided at all costs, especially in a state that prides itself on religious harmony,” Kharkrang said.
Kharkrang also said that the BJP is committed to secularism and national unity, highlighting the Prime Minister’s participation in Christian celebrations as a reflection of the party’s efforts to foster respect for interfaith. He added, “Any act that vitiates peaceful coexistence deserves condemnation, and preventive measures must be taken to ensure such deeds face appropriate legal consequences.”