In Narsimpalli village, Sri Sathya Sai district, a 24-year-old Dalit youth named Anjaneyulu was tied to an electric pole, assaulted, and humiliated for allegedly eloping with a 17-year-old girl from the BC (Backwards Classes) community. The girl’s family tracked the couple down to Utukuru village in Parigi mandal and forcibly brought them back to Narsimpalli, where the violence took place on Thursday.
The relatives of the girl, joined by villagers, subjected Anjaneyulu to severe abuse. He was stripped, tied to a vehicle, paraded through the streets, and then bound to an electric pole. His attackers beat him with footwear, doused him with cow dung water, and hurled caste-based slurs at him.
The situation escalated further after the Madiga Reservation Porata Samithi (MRPS) intervened, leading to the registration of a case under the SC/ST Atrocities Act against seven individuals involved in the assault.
Meanwhile, the girl’s father filed a POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) case against Anjaneyulu.
Anitha, the victim’s sister, expressed her anger, saying, “They attacked my brother while bringing him back in a vehicle and continued to beat him in the village. Later, the police beat him again at the station and forced him to agree to a compromise. The police must be held accountable.”
Sri Sathya Sai SP, V Ratna, said, “If custodial torture is proven, action will be taken against officers.”