A civil services aspirant preparing for the UPSC examination in Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi, died by suicide, allegedly due to depression and the pressures of her studies, police said on Saturday. The deceased, identified as Anjali, left behind a suicide note expressing her distress over increasing housing rents and a call for government action to “reduce scams in government exams” and “generate employment.”
In her note, Anjali detailed her struggles with “life’s problems” and a “lack of peace.” She expressed regret for her inability to cope with her situation despite seeking medical help. Her note also mentioned her concerns about the high cost of renting accommodation, which had recently increased from Rs 15,000 to Rs 18,000.
Anjali, originally from Akola in Maharashtra, had been residing in a rented room in Old Rajinder Nagar, a well-known area for civil services coaching in Delhi. She had been preparing for the UPSC exam and was reportedly overwhelmed by the financial strain and stress related to her studies.
“I am sorry Mummy Papa. I am really fed up with life now, and there are just problems and issues with no peace. I need peace. I tried every possible way to get rid of this so-called depression, but I can’t overcome it,” Anjali wrote in her suicide note. She also mentioned her awareness that her death would make “breaking news.”
The note highlighted her dissatisfaction with the increasing rents of paying guest (PG) accommodations and hostels, which she described as exploitative. “PG and hostel rents should also be decreased. These people are just looting money from the students. Not every student can afford it,” she wrote.
Anjali’s friend, Shweta, said that the rent increase was a significant source of stress for Anjali. Her mother told India Today that Anjali was concerned about the financial burden on her family. “We had told her not to worry about those things. We had promised her that we could find a less expensive way. But she took the extreme step without considering,” her mother said.
The Delhi Police have registered a case and are investigating the circumstances surrounding Anjali’s death. This incident follows the recent deaths of three UPSC aspirants due to flooding at one of the coaching centres in Old Rajinder Nagar.