Zeenat Parween, hailing from Ranchi, has secured the top position in the Arts stream of the Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) Class 12 board exams, with a score of 472 marks (94.4%).
Despite facing various challenges, including a daily commute of 10 kilometres to reach her government school, Zeenat’s hard work has paid off. She credited her teachers and family for their support.
Zeenat said, “I used to travel 10 kilometres a day to reach school, sometimes by bicycle, auto, and bus.” Her father, a vegetable seller at Kanke market, has been a source of inspiration.
Zeenat aspires to pursue a career in civil services, aiming to prepare for the UPSC exams.
The Jharkhand Board Class 12 Toppers List 2024 features Zeenat Parveen as the Arts topper, along with Sneha as the Science topper and Pratibha Shaha as the Commerce topper.