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Muslims in Central Kashmir’s Ganderbal Help in Performing Last Rites of Elderly Kashmiri Pandit

Photo: Kashmiriyat

Muslim residents of Batpora Tulmulla, a locality in central Kashmir’s Ganderbal, came together on Sunday to assist in the last rites of Bansi Lal Pandit, a 60-year-old Kashmiri Pandit affectionately known as Kaka Ji.

According to local news agencies, Bansi Lal Pandit passed away at his residence in Batpora Tulmulla, and Muslims in the area immediately responded. Upon learning of his demise, neighbours and well-wishers gathered at his home to make arrangements for his final rites.

Locals said that it was their duty as neighbours to support the grieving family during such challenging times. “Being his neighbour, it was our duty to help the family perform the last rites,” stated one community member.

Residents fondly recalled the generous and kind nature of Bansi Lal, noting that he was always ready to lend a helping hand, regardless of the time of day or night. This display of solidarity and camaraderie highlights the deep bonds within the diverse Batpora Tulmulla community.

The family of Bansi Lal Pandit conveyed their gratitude to their Muslim neighbours, acknowledging the support received during even the toughest moments.

“They have always been by our side, offering support during the most challenging times,” said a member of Bansi Lal’s family.

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