The Uttar Pradesh Police have booked 10 meat shop owners near the Kashi Vishwanath Temple for allegedly violating rules that prohibit the sale of meat within a two-kilometre radius of the temple. The cases were filed after a complaint by a municipal veterinary official, with the meat shop owners being charged under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, which deals with disobedience of public servant orders and mischief related to animal slaughter.
According to Gaurav Banswal, the Deputy Commissioner of Police (Kashi Zone), three cases were registered at the Chowk and Dashashwamedh police stations after the official filed the complaint. The Varanasi Municipal Corporation had previously passed a resolution last year banning meat sales in the area surrounding the temple, citing cultural and religious concerns.
Earlier this month, the corporation issued notices to 26 meat shops, directing them to close down for violating the ban. However, the shop owners, including Iqbal Ahmed, have argued that they are being unfairly targeted, pointing out that liquor shops within the same two-kilometre radius have not faced similar actions. They also expressed concerns over lack of alternative arrangements for relocating their shops.
A delegation of the meat shop owners has met with Mayor Ashok Tiwari, who acknowledged their concerns and suggested that the shop owners identify alternative locations for their businesses. The mayor assured them that the municipal corporation would designate space for them in the coming period. The owners are set to meet the mayor again next week to continue discussions.