During the Anant Chaturdashi tableau procession in Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh, a Muslim teenager named Sameer, aged 17, was assaulted by a group of individuals...
In Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, a coaching centre teacher, Ankit Tyagi, was arrested on charges of arms smuggling after a pistol was allegedly discovered on...
A private school in Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh, found itself in the midst of controversy when a question in its 9th-grade half-yearly exam linked Islam...
In Indore’s Garib Nawaz Colony last evening, where a group of individuals associated with a Hindu right-wing group were seen assaulting Muslim women who...
The Jammu and Kashmir Police have reportedly secured direct cooperation from major social media platforms, granting them access to track individuals and entities deemed...
A shocking video capturing the brutal beating of a kindergarten (KG) student at Bal Vikas Model Senior Secondary School in Sherpur Kalan, Ludhiana, has...
The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has announced an intensified campaign against “love jihad” and illegal “religious conversions” facilitated through enticements. This decision comes after...