Union Home and Cooperation Minister Amit Shah has directed the formation of an inter-ministerial team to investigate the causes behind the deaths of 16 people in the Badhaal village of Jammu’s Rajouri district. The deaths, which have occurred over the past six weeks, have sparked widespread concern in the region.
In a statement, Amit Shah said, “I have ordered the formation of a team from various ministries to determine the causes of these deaths. Experts from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, and the Ministry of Water Resources will join forces to investigate.” He added that specialists in animal husbandry, food security, and forensic science would also assist in the investigation.
The team will begin its visit on January 19, working alongside local administration to provide immediate relief and take preventive measures to avoid similar incidents in the future.
The mysterious illness that has claimed 16 lives in the village continues to cause fear among residents. Villagers have urged authorities to uncover the root cause of the deaths. “We are living in constant fear. The deaths have left us uncertain, and we demand answers from the authorities,” said one of the villagers.
The first case of the illness was reported on December 7, when seven family members fell ill after attending a function. By December 12, nine more people from the same family were hospitalized. Over the following weeks, six children were also admitted. Symptoms reported included fever, nausea, pain, and loss of consciousness, with victims dying within days of being hospitalized. One girl remains critically ill.
A spokesperson for the Jammu and Kashmir government stated that initial investigations and sample tests suggested the deaths were not due to a bacterial or viral communicable disease. “There is no public health threat, and the cause remains unidentified,” the spokesperson said.