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Human Rights

Rahul Gandhi Breaks Silence on Disturbing Attacks Against Muslims in India

Photo: Rahul Gandhi/Twitter

In an address to a public gathering in Ladakh, Rahul Gandhi, a prominent leader of the Congress party, highlighted the disturbing trend of attacks on minorities, including Muslims, as well as Dalits and tribals across India.

Drawing attention to the recent incidents, he expressed his concern over the rising tensions and unrest prevailing in certain regions, specifically citing Manipur’s prolonged period of turmoil.

Gandhi acknowledged that while Muslims have been disproportionately targeted in these attacks, he emphasized that other communities have also fallen victim to such violence.

He stated, “Muslims are being attacked in India. This is not wrong. At the same time, there is also the fact that other people are also being attacked.”

Turning his focus towards the northeastern state of Manipur, Gandhi highlighted the dire situation prevailing there. “What is happening in Manipur today? Manipur has been burning for the past four months,” he said, underlining the gravity of the ongoing unrest in the state.

He said that these issues extend beyond religious or ethnic lines and impact various marginalized groups, including minorities, dalits, and tribals.

Gandhi’s address also touched upon the upcoming assembly elections in four states. Expressing his confidence in the Congress party’s prospects, he proclaimed, “The Congress party will win these four elections.”

He addressed any skepticism regarding the party’s ability to challenge the current ruling party, stating, “You should not think that the Congress party cannot defeat the BJP. If the BJP had not misused the institutions and captured them, it would not have won the last election.”

While the Ladakh gathering was marked by Gandhi’s critique of the BJP government and his call for unity among diverse communities, it also underscored the growing concerns over the targeting of minorities, dalits, and tribals in various parts of the country.

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