Fatehpur police arrested two men, Mahfooz alias Kallu (44) and Mahmood Hasan (42), after a brief encounter in the Sultanpur Ghosh area on Tuesday. The duo was allegedly on their way to slaughter a calf when police intercepted them. Authorities claim to have recovered a calf, slaughtering tools, two country-made pistols, and a motorcycle from the suspects.
According to Station House Officer Brindawan Rai of Hathgawan police station, a tip-off led police to Arya Masayak village, where the accused were allegedly preparing to slaughter a calf. When police asked the men to surrender, they reportedly opened fire, prompting officers to retaliate. Both suspects sustained gunshot injuries to their legs and were subsequently arrested and taken to a government hospital for treatment. No police personnel were injured in the incident.
The operation was a coordinated effort between Hathgawan and Sultanpur Ghosh police teams. Station House Officer Rajendra Kumar Tripathi of Sultanpur Ghosh police station noted that Mahfooz is a history-sheeter with 13 cases against him, while Mahmood Hasan has five cases registered in various police stations across Fatehpur. Following the incident, the rescued calf was handed over to a gaushala.